Image Release

Create, sign and send talent releases directly from your mobile device. Image Release allows photographers, filmmakers & production teams to process model & property releases entirely on a mobile device.

Image Release

Our Two Minute Walk-Through

Image Release
The first time you use Image Release, you will create a photographer profile. Click 'Create Profile!' to get started.
Enter your profile, some settings and provide a signature using your finger (or a stylus). Don't worry you can change your profile later.
Image Release
Image Release
The home screen is where you can create model & property releases, view all or just pending releases, view your shoots and access your photographer profile.
Creating a model release is done by clicking 'Create Release' and selecting the 'Model Release' option. Our Model Release handles both minor and adult releases.
Image Release
Image Release
A new model release requires a minimum of the shoot and model name to be entered. This lets you quickly create a set of releases in advance.
For this Model Release we chose 'Create Shoot' to setup a new one. Simply enter the shoot details and click 'Save'.
Image Release
Image Release
Click the 'Take Photo' button to photograph the Model and enter their details. A red label means it is required before a PDF can be generated; a green one and its optional.
When you have the model and witness ready, use the Signature buttons so they can review and sign the release.
Image Release
Image Release
You can see all your releases at once on the 'Releases' tab. Swipe a release in the list to delete it.
Click a release in the list to view it. The status is automatically set: Pending - data is missing; Ready - a PDF can be generated; Generated - the release has been generated; Sent - release has been emailed.
Image Release
Image Release
You can see the model's details; the agreement that was signed; and when the model / witness signed. You can also view or send the generated release.
Here we used 'View Model Release' to view the generated release as a PDF. Pinch or double tap to zoom in.
Image Release
Image Release
When viewing a generated PDF, you can open or save the file in other apps on your device. We often use this with Dropbox.
You can also send the generated release via email. Click 'Send Model Release' and choose who you wish to send it to.
Image Release
Image Release
An email is created allowing you to add more recipients, or edit the message before sending. Based on your profile the PDF and/or the JPG will be attached.
To create a Property Release, simply select 'Create Release' and choose the 'Property Release' option.
Image Release
Image Release
Select your shoot (or create a new one) and enter the details of the property. To save a release at Pending you only need the shoot and property description.
Take a photo of the property, then enter the Property and Ownership details.
Image Release
Image Release
Choose your preferred agreement, then get the release signed and witnessed. If all the information is entered, the 'Save & Generate Release' button will appear.
Here we are viewing the generated PDF of the property release.
Image Release
Image Release
If you need to find a release, use the search box. Search by model name, property description, or shoot name.
The pending tab shows you all incomplete releases. We use it to track all outstanding releases on a shoot. Once it's clear, we know we're done!
Image Release
Image Release
Your photograher profile is accessed from the home screen. Click on the 'Photographer' button to do so.
You can change your details and signature.
Image Release
Image Release
You can also change how releases are generated, the default agreements you like to use and also add your own.
To add an agreement click the '+' icon on the toolbar of the list of agreements. You can also swipe an agreement in the list to delete it.
Image Release
Image Release
Enter the agreement details, choosing a name, if it is a model or property release and the language you want it to be generated in.
You can either type or paste your bespoke agreement text into the last box. We find it easier to copy and paste from a document. Click Done and your agreement is ready for use.
Image Release

Image Release is $6.99 (£4.99). You can get it from the App Store.

The Creatives we work with use it everyday. We hope you will too.